movieDate: may 25, 1925


ON THIS DAY in 1925, high school teacher John T. Scopes was indicted in Dayton, Tennessee, for teaching Darwin’s theory of evolution. The trial and subsequent play inspired the 1960 Stanley Kramer film, INHERIT THE WIND, with Spencer Tracy, Gene Kelly and Fredric March.

> Where’s it playing?

starts today: january 7, 1955


OPENED in movie theaters on January 7, 1955: BAD DAY AT BLACK ROCK, starring Spencer Tracy (Oscar-Best Actor) and Robert Ryan; directed by John Sturges (Oscar-Best Director). “Considerable excitement is whipped up in this suspense drama, and fans who go for tight action will find it entirely satisfactory. Besides telling a yarn of tense suspense, the picture is concerned with a social message on civic complacency.”Variety
